Things to do in isolation (that don't involve killing your whole family)

This is not a Covid - 19 blog..

Well, it kind of is. This blog is about what you can do to keep yourself busy while also keeping yourself (and others) safe at home.

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few months or have been in the big brother house in Germany you'll know all about the rapid spread of the Corona virus throughout the world. We have been asked to self isolate and only go out if truly necessary, avoid crowded areas, we've been asked to work from home and some businesses have closed up until further notice. But like I said this blog isn't about all that, it's about how you can keep busy and stay somewhat sane while at home. 

If like me, you find yourself feeling extra anxious the past few days, meditation is a great tool to calm your mind and make you feel more at ease! You can find loads of guided meditation videos on Youtube or download a meditation app on your phone, Headspace is one I use quite a bit. Yoga is also great for your mind as well as being super beneficial for your body, again Youtube is great for yoga videos for both beginners and more experienced yogis. 

I love reading, but find it hard to settle into a good book when I come home from a long day in work and usually opt for mindlessly scrolling through my phone while Netflix is on in the back ground. But now I'm not working, so I have plenty of time for some reading, I've set myself a goal to finish a book I'm currently reading by Sunday. So why not pick up a book and give the social media a break for a bit.

Get back into an old hobby, or pick up a new one. I'd love to learn how to knit, my aunt May tried to teach me once but I was young and didn't have the patience for it at the time. I also used to love art in school and have found myself drawing again. We have a lot of time on our hands now so might as well do something productive with it!

Get out into the fresh air, if cabin fever starts to set in go for a walk or a run, it's completely safe as long as you stick to social distancing guidelines and steer clear of areas that would have large gatherings of people. Bring the dog along, as delighted as they are to have us home all the time now, I'm sure the cabin fever is getting to them too. 

On your marks, get set - bake!

Release your inner Mary Berry and bake up a storm. I suppose this could fall into the hobby category but I'm giving it its own paragraph because baking is deadly!

If you have kids teach them how to bake, make it fun, let them lick the spoon, although probably don't given the current situation. Teach them to cook too, everyone should learn how to cook! Try making a new dish, something you've never had the time to try out before, recreate your favorite take away.

My final self isolation keep busy tip, have a massive de-clutter and spring clean. Clear out your clothes you haven't worn in ages, rearrange your bedroom, Marie Kondo your entire life! For example, my mother decided yesterday that the entire house was to be painted and immediately set my dad, uncle and anyone that seemingly had nothing better to do to work. I wouldn't be surprised if she even got the dog involved! 

I know this blog isn't really one about sustainability but I thought it would be helpful for people struggling to keep busy while stuck in the house. 

Stay safe guys!

Yours sustainably,

                     Hayley x


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