The quarantine diaries 2
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Today is Wednesday, the 268th of April.
Or at least it feels like it...
We are coming into the fifth week of lockdown now, and thus far I haven't attempted to cut my own or anyone else's hair, I haven't baked banana or sourdough bread. I have been baking though, mainly brownies, chocolate chip cookies, cheese cake and rice crispy buns in an effort to get rid of all the Easter chocolate!
I binged The Tiger King series on Netflix in a matter of hours, I mean if you haven't watched it are you even quarantining?! There is honestly nothing more compelling than watching a polygamous gay hillbilly zoo owner in an all out war with a woman, who may or may not have fed her husband to a tiger...
This whole experience really has been an emotional roller coaster. Most days it's grand, I keep myself busy by planning out blogs, baking, getting out for a walk in the evenings or sitting out in the garden with a book when the weather is good! Other days, I can barely muster the strength to get out of bed, what's the point? I can't go anywhere or do anything... Thankfully these days are few and far between.
I'm in lockdown away from my family and this has probably been the longest I've ever gone without seeing them. We stay in touch through text and phone calls, we'll have a family face time at the weekend and I usually have an aul cry after... not that I'd ever tell them that!
For the most part though, It's been a positive experience. I have learned some life skills by cooking dinners and baking. I have taken up old hobbies again such as embroidery, you probably remember a few blogs back I said I was going to learn how to knit, that didn't happen. Embroidery is more my thing!
I've learned that I can live with a boy, which is a good thing considering I've already agreed to marry him. It's been two months now, and we haven't so much as had a disagreement considering we've literally been under each others noses the whole time! That being said, he's a rare breed, he cooks and cleans... I know! In all seriousness though, he has been my absolute rock throughout this whole thing. (cringe)
It's funny how you begin to miss the most mundane everyday things, for me it's grabbing a coffee in my favorite coffee shop, going to the gym although I've done two half-assed workouts at home this entire time. It's just not the same!
I miss the pub... GODDAMMIT I miss my local. I miss the barman that has always served me my drink, from the neglected child staple of a bottle of coke and a packet of Tayto to my first legal drink when I was eighteen. I miss meeting friends 'for one or two' and stumbling home at all hours of the morning. I miss going for a few casuals with my family, mainly my sister.
I can't wait for the day I can finally text her...
Stay safe, stay home.
Yours sustainably,
Hayley x
I'm in lockdown away from my family and this has probably been the longest I've ever gone without seeing them. We stay in touch through text and phone calls, we'll have a family face time at the weekend and I usually have an aul cry after... not that I'd ever tell them that!
For the most part though, It's been a positive experience. I have learned some life skills by cooking dinners and baking. I have taken up old hobbies again such as embroidery, you probably remember a few blogs back I said I was going to learn how to knit, that didn't happen. Embroidery is more my thing!
I've learned that I can live with a boy, which is a good thing considering I've already agreed to marry him. It's been two months now, and we haven't so much as had a disagreement considering we've literally been under each others noses the whole time! That being said, he's a rare breed, he cooks and cleans... I know! In all seriousness though, he has been my absolute rock throughout this whole thing. (cringe)
It's funny how you begin to miss the most mundane everyday things, for me it's grabbing a coffee in my favorite coffee shop, going to the gym although I've done two half-assed workouts at home this entire time. It's just not the same!
I miss the pub... GODDAMMIT I miss my local. I miss the barman that has always served me my drink, from the neglected child staple of a bottle of coke and a packet of Tayto to my first legal drink when I was eighteen. I miss meeting friends 'for one or two' and stumbling home at all hours of the morning. I miss going for a few casuals with my family, mainly my sister.
I can't wait for the day I can finally text her...
Stay safe, stay home.
Yours sustainably,
Hayley x
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