The quarantine diaries.

Day 14

I haven't gone mad yet, so that's good!

I've been managing pretty well with self isolation thus far, I'm not one for just sitting around and there's only so much Netflix you can watch, so I thought I'd really struggle. But I've kept busy by reading, walking and eating... so much eating. I've also been keeping a routine as best I can, getting up when I normally would, getting dressed and doing my make up. I find it helps a lot but I also embrace the days when I just want to stay in my Pjs.

Walking is a big one for me, I love being out in the fresh air, pottering along with my dog or hiking up the Sugar Loaf mountains, which are both on my doorstep. However, I have avoided the mountains, the national parks and beaches lately as so many are just not taking the social distancing guide lines seriously. Glendalough, Devil's Glen, the Wicklow Gap and other popular tourist areas were crammed with people all weekend, food truck queues were packed with no social distancing between people at all, I mean c'mon lads! Anyway, I'm lucky enough to live in a quiet area with lots of back roads, forest trails to walk through were not many people walk, so myself and rebel (pupper) can still enjoy our strolls together without worrying to much.

I'm currently reading Lauren Bravo's "How to break up with fast fashion", a really informative book on the effects of fast fashion on our environment, factory workers, and us! For me it's a very relatable read, I can see a lot of myself in it before I started shopping more sustainably, highly recommend for anyone who feels the need to end their fast fashion relationship!

I've also been reading from Rogue collective. An all female, all Irish run subscription service, for €4 a month, you get access to female creators work such as, articles, essays, poetry and even some gorgeous cake recipes! You can also contribute to the service, I'm currently spit balling some ideas for an article to write for them.

In my last blog, I talked about ideas to keep yourself busy, I told you all I was going to try my hand at knitting, well a little update for you, I bought wool and knitting needles, googled every knitting tutorial I could find and... I suck at knitting. I can't do it, I just can't! Both my mam and sister tried to show me and honestly, it was like they were performing some elaborate magic trick in front of my eyes. But I will persevere, I'll keep trying and hopefully I'll get the hang of it eventually. Watch this space!

Wedding plans for next year have pretty much been put on hold unfortunately, but we managed secure a date and get our venue booked before shit hit the fan. I'm hoping all this blows over soon so I can get back to planning and attending wedding fairs and drinking prosecco every Sunday.

In other exciting news, I got Disney + this morning, I was like a kid at Christmas flicking through the endless choices but I fear poor Liam's (fiance) ears will never recover from the excitable squeals that come out of me every so often as I sit here scrolling through the classics section. So with my reading materials, attempts at knitting, Disney + and snacks, I'm pretty sure I'm sorted for the rest of this quarantine however long it goes on for!

I hope you guys are keeping well and aren't going to mad staying at home.

stay safe.

Yours sustainably,

                     Hayley x


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