Me, Myself and sustainability!

Hello lovelies!

So I decided to put together a blog along side my Instagram to chat all about sustainability in a little more detail, I'll dive into a few topics like, how I manage to find so many nice things in charity shops to the more serious side of  things like how fast fashion is having an unprecedented effect on the environment.

I've always had an interest in clothes and fashion, my style has always been a little "out there" , I studied fashion design in college for two years and loved the hands on sewing and pattern drafting modules. Unfortunately I never completed the full three years of my college course, but I've never lost my love for designing and hopefully one day I can get back too it ( in a sustainable manner of course).

One of my fondest childhood memories is going down the town on a Saturday with my nanny Lolie and my aunt May, they were the literal queens of charity shops! They knew all the good ones, it amazed me the bargains they'd find and of course I always got something to, a new toy horse or a dog teddy ( I was and still am a big animal lover).
Another charity shop queen is my mam, Paula, like myself she learned from the best but she had more of a keen eye for spotting big names and designer brands! Like myself she likes to smugly say "this?! I got this in a second hand shop!" when someone complemented her outfit!

So that's a little bit about little ol' me, please join me on my sustainable journey!

yours sustainably,

                    Hayley x


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