A little self care never hurt anybody.

https://bit.ly/2BHlSd Hello! It's day 1,639 of quarantining! Time flies when you've been staring at the same four walls for two months... Everyone of us has had different ways of coping with the "new normal", whether it's doing yoga every morning, baking or just trying to keep your routine as normal as possible. Some of you might not be coping so well, and that's okay too! For the most part, I have enjoyed the free time I've had the past few months, some times I've really struggled. Self care is so much more than plastering a face mask on or having a glass of wine in the bath... That being said, I am very fond of drinking in the bath while wearing a face mask. So please don't think I'm shitting on face masks and baths, I'm most certainly not! I have a few different ways of practicing some self care, from calling a loved one, taking naps, or getting out of the house and into a bit of nature. A lot of the time when I...