White girl (zero) wasted!

Hello there! This week's blog is all about zero waste. I was at a Lush Cosmetic's zero waste work shop on Monday and felt inspired to write about how little changes can have a big impact! At the Lush event, I was shocked when we were told the equivalent of one garbage truck full of plastic is dumped into the ocean every minute! By 2030 that is likely to rise to two trucks per minute and by 2050 it's estimated that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Plastic in our oceans is causing so much damage to our marine life. I know you've all seen the video a while back of the poor sea turtle with a straw stuck in his nostril, that was a horrific watch and people pledged to get rid of plastic straws, which is great, but plastic straws are only a very small part of the problem! Thankfully, there are so many ways to reduce our plastic consumption now. So now I'm going to highlight some ways you can go zero waste! Reusing glass jars. Glass jars can ...