The quarantine diaries 2 Today is Wednesday, the 268th of April. Or at least it feels like it... We are coming into the fifth week of lockdown now, and thus far I haven't attempted to cut my own or anyone else's hair, I haven't baked banana or sourdough bread. I have been baking though, mainly brownies, chocolate chip cookies, cheese cake and rice crispy buns in an effort to get rid of all the Easter chocolate! I binged The Tiger King series on Netflix in a matter of hours, I mean if you haven't watched it are you even quarantining?! There is honestly nothing more compelling than watching a polygamous gay hillbilly zoo owner in an all out war with a woman, who may or may not have fed her husband to a tiger... This whole experience really has been an emotional roller coaster. Most days it's grand, I keep myself busy by planning out blogs, baking, getting out for a walk in the evenings or sitting out in the garden with a book when the we...